What is a sinus tap, you ask? I'm ever so glad you did. It's where he takes a spike and a mallet and whacks up deep inside your jaw where the distance from your sinus is very, very thin. He whacks until the bone inside your head cracks so he can screw the new implant in such that it can impeed into the sinus area by just a millimeter or so so there is more room for the implant to connect bone-wise over time.
Let me tell you friends, 'tap' is not the word. 'I was fine until I got home later and the blood clot dislodged, leaving some exposed jaw bone in a position to get air on it. This is similar to what you may have heard of as dry sockets for wisdom teeth removal.
I thought I could take pain, but this was sheer agony. For about an hour I was holding my head, which was throbbing in the most awful of ways. I was icing my face, putting ice against my open wound area, and trying not to fall over when the pain happened again and again.
I was moaning and rolling around on the bed, unable to get away from the pain. Finally, I closed my mouth and didn't open it. The phone was ringing but no way was I answering it or talking to anyone else who wanted needed anything from me. I just lay there and hoped it would pass.
Keeping my mouth closed helped. Trying not to talk was tough though. You know me.
The tissues should have covered the exposed bone by tomorrow and hopefully, I can talk again.
The Big Boy Update: My son threw an epic tantrum about screens and being bored tonight. Insults, stamping and stomping around and nothing got him screens. When he accepted that fact he turned back into a normalized child again. Amazing how that works.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: We found out the only qualifier for nationals at the regional competition for the Braille Challenge this year is our daughter. She is so excited, more so than she is letting on. We're pretty darned excited too.
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