Thursday, May 26, 2022


My daughter wants a typewriter.  Why?  Because she wants to type messages to give to her friends.  Friends who are sighted.   She wasn't happy with the idea of typing something on her computer and sending it to the printer.  She wants an actual typewriter.  

She wants an old one with clacky keys very much like her braillewriter.  She wants to put paper in it, type a message and then give it to people.  It's not a bad idea.  I don't want to get a very old typewriter that doesn't work well and have to deal with maintenance issues though. 

I'm going to look into one.   She will only use it short term I suspect because she's learning more and more about how to use the computer and other devices using the VoiceOver features they provide.  Soon enough she's going to be zipping around the computer faster than the rest of us.  For now though a typewriter might be nice. 

The Big Boy Update:  My son has been doing so well with the "no corrections" plan we have in place.  So far things are all very happy.  I hope it remains that way.  I worry about this weekend when he'll have screens again.  He gets much more grumpy and obstinate when he has screen time. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter wanted to have an air mattress blown up for her tonight because, "my bed isn't comfortable".  She has a very nice mattress.  She had just found the air mattress in the attic and I think wanted a change.

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