Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mixing It Up

We need to do something different.  We need to try out different options.  We need to try new styles and do new things.  Maybe I need to come up with different ways to integrate 3D printing into things.  We are getting in a trough or a rut on Instagram and TikTok and we're not seeing any growth and a good friend who has been quite successful made that suggestion. 

I think he's right.   But I'm struggling to figure out what to do.  For YouTube I can create lots of long format content.  I have it in my head, I just need to make it so.   For Instagram and TikTok we're limited by time and I'm trying to come up with ways I can be creative within the short, one-minute timeframe.  Or possibly we need to do shorter videos.  Maybe I need to be in them more and talk about things and be a "personality" or rather show my personality.  My husband says I have a hard time doing that, and he's not wrong.  This whole adventure into social media has been less than comfortable. 

So I'm thinking about it while my printers are all off and I'm working on other things.  If I hadn't gotten a good bit ahead I wouldn't have been able to have the printers off for four days.  It's getting close to when I'll need to turn them back on, but I can keep working for a while longer and hopefully I'll get enough done that I can step back into 3D printing and perhaps have some ideas on how I can reach a different audience than the one we've already connected with.  

The Big Boy Update:  My son is almost a teenager from a sleep perspective.  He's only eleven but he slept today until after noon.  I can only imagine the hours into the afternoon he'll sleep once he hits the full teenage years. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter has a friend coming over tomorrow.  She has been collecting Easter eggs so they can have an egg hunt tomorrow.  She so loves hide and seek games, especially when they involve prizes. 

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