Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's the Thoughtful That Counts

I got a mother's day present today that wasn't expensive.  It was something I could have gone to the store and bought myself.  But that wasn't the point.  Sometimes a gift doesn't have to be exciting or expensive or unique to be a great present.  A present should say you thought about that person and got them something they would like. 

I got two presents like that today.   The first was from my mother-in-law and father-in-law.  it was a little bag with tissue and inside were these great pouches of daiquiris and margaritas and other drinks that needed to be put in the freezer and then were ready to serve whenever you needed to have an instant party.  My in-laws have had these at their house for some time but I always forget about them until we're visiting.   It was a great gift.   I'm going to enjoy them sometime soon.

The other gift was my husband's idea.  There is a restaurant that I love.  It's only open for breakfast and lunch and serves mostly biscuit-based foods.  It is appropriately called, Biscuitville.  We all went there for lunch.  It was wonderful.  I don't get enough Biscuitville these days. 

It was a good mother's day.

The Big Boy Update:  Standing on his head.  There is a large upholstered chair in our bedroom.  It's in the corner of the room and my children like to climb behind it and stand in the little triangular space back there.  Suddenly today, all we could see were my son's feet.  He was standing on his head.  He stayed like that for several minutes.  I looked over the edge and he was grinning.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She loves to help people.  If you want her to do something, you just need to appeal to her desire to help people.  She will gladly stop what she's doing and assist you.

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