Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You Are My Sunshine

When I was a little girl my mother would sing, "You Are My Sunshine" to me every night when she put me to bed.  I have memories of her singing that song and giving her a goodnight kiss after she tucked me in and made sure my gown was pulled all the way down.  Someday as a mom, I would sing that song to my children, I thought.

And I did, for a while.  I sang it to my daughter when she was very tiny as I carried her up the stairs to go to bed.  I sang it very softly in the hopes that she would fall off to sleep easily when we got to her room.  I sang it to my son some as well, but my husband has put him to bed more and I've put my daughter to bed more, so I mostly sang it to her.

My daughter isn't old enough at two-and-a-not-quite-half to remember me singing it to her when she's older, but she's old enough to have made an association with the song for now.  If I even try to sing the song to her as we go upstairs to bed it's met with a resounding, "nooooo!"  She will wave her hand around and try to get me to stop singing to her because she doesn't want to be tricked into going to sleep.

But times change rapidly with small children.  Of late, she's asked to go up to bed some nights and she happily puts her head on your shoulder as you carry her up the stairs.  I'm going to give the song another try again soon.

The Big Boy Update:  Buzzert.  My son thinks "dessert" is called, "buzzert".  We tried to correct him at dinner tonight but he was confident he had the word right his way.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Helping daddy make dinner.  My daughter helped daddy make pasta tonight.  She was apparently very helpful and descriptive to him throughout the entire process.  Then, she ate her whole bowl of pasta that we told her we were proud she helped make.

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