Friday, March 21, 2014


I went to my chiropractor today.  I went yesterday too.  I've been trying to figure out a way to sleep on my back with my broken backside.  I don't sleep much on my sides and I can't sleep on my stomach because my head can't turn much to the left and right with the spinal fusion.  But with the broken bone, I can't sleep on my back without discomfort.  So it's frustrating at night.

The last two days I've woken up, after a lovely night with a rolled towel under the top portion of my butt so that I can sleep on my back, and had a very painful pressure situation on my right hip, high up.  It appears the rolled towel allowed me to sleep on my back some, but caused other problems.  This is so annoying and so me.  My back has a tenuous and narrow range of, "comfortable" and "not painful" and deviations from my trusted routine can cause all manner of issues (read pain) in different spots in my spine.  I hate that it's like that, but it is apparently what I'm stuck with.

So when I went in to the chiropractor I saw one of the doctors I hadn't seen since I fell and broke my backside.  And here's something you need to know about chiropractors...they stick their hands down your pants.   It's true, I'm serious.  They check out your sacrum and see how it's moving and they will just stick their hands a bit down the back of your pants to see  if the joints are moving well and determine what they need to adjust.

When I told him I'd broken my coccyx, he wanted to see where it was painful, especially when I told him I could sit fine, because it was a break higher up.   I almost said, "um, you're going to get to a spot you don't want to get to if you go any deeper into my pants", but I know he was trying to be helpful, and honestly, who really wants to stick their hands down your pants and check out your sweaty butt.   That's when I told him I had a picture of the X-ray on my phone. 

When I showed it to him he said, "oh, you didn't break your coccyx, you broke the bottom part of your sacrum."  And then he told me it was a much better bone to break.   He gave me some tips on how to lie in the bed and things to do and not do and I am very happy I made sure to take a picture of the X-ray on the monitor at the orthopedic clinic the night I broke my rump. 

The Big Boy Update:  The tooth that got lighter.  We have a neighbor who is a pediatric dentist.  I mentioned to her about my son's darkening tooth at a neighborhood girls night a few weeks ago and she gave me good and bad news at the same time.  The bad news is he may have that tooth for another four year.  The good news is that children's teeth defy the rules of adult teeth and that it might just lighten back up.  And so it did!  It's not the color of the other teeth, but it isn't that noticeable either.  Hooray for children's teeth.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  "I wanna whistle."  My daughter wants to help me call our dog, Lucy, when we want her to come in from outside.  I whistle, and my daughter knows the sound.  However, she can't whistle.  What she can do is make a tremendously adorable, "woo-hoo" sound with her mouth that mimics the whistle I make when I call her.

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