Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Ticking Clock

When my children were very small, during those breastfeeding times, I put a clock in their bedroom on the wall.  I went to Target and got what looked like it would fit in a child's room well.  It was plastic and it was cheap (I think it was only three dollars) but it was all we needed.

That clock had an unforeseen feature--it was loud.  It ticked.  It ticked so loudly that we could hear it over the baby monitor.   This wasn't good, this wasn't what we planned; would it keep the children awake in their cribs?  We took the clock down and put it in the closet and let it tick to itself for a few weeks alone.

Then, I decided that I needed that clock in the bedroom and that the children probably didn't notice the ticking, so I put the clock back.  That's when we realized a regular sound in their bedroom was a good thing.  It was a sound that let us know that the baby monitor was still working.  It was a sound that helped us determine the best volume for the monitors.  And best of all, the children never noticed the ticking.

Recently, my daughter has noticed the tick.  I don't think it bothers her, I think she rather likes it.  She's just interested in what that noise is.

The Big Boy Update:  "Maybe we could use a scooper?"  My son had something black on his cheek yesterday.  I was trying to wipe it off with a cloth and having little luck.  My son wanted to help, so he said, "maybe we could use a scooper" as a suggestion for how to get the smudge off.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  At the park today there was a duck.  My daughter and son were fairly obsessed with this duck.  They were interested in how he ate food off the bottom of the pond, how he quacked, why he wanted to get near them (because he hoped they had food), and how he swam around using his webbed feet.   They could have stayed at the park all day watching that duck.

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