Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Return of Comfy Pants

It's like one of those horror movies, only not.  Many years ago I got some sleep pants at Abercrombie & Fitch during the holiday season.  I remember them being unreasonably expensive at the time, but they just looked so comfy I couldn't resist.  As soon as I put them on my suspicions were confirmed, they were indeed amazingly comfy.  If only I had more than one pair...

I was traveling for business and by the time I got back and remembered to go back to the store, there were no more in my size.  Oh well, I would have to make do with the one pair.   Then, a month or so later, I wandered by the same store and saw a whole rack of those pants, Christmas trees and all, with a big sale sign on the top.   What?  How did I miss this?

It turns out our store had been send inventory from other stores and they had all these pants they needed to get rid of cheap.  So I stocked up.

I didn't want these amazingly comfortable pants to ever run out, so I wore three pair in rotation.  Over the years different fates befell them and ultimately I stopped wearing my comfy pants.   By that time I had stored the remaining three pair in a box in the attic. 

Some years later I came upon them but for some reason didn't pull a pair out.  Then last week, I found them again and this time, I happily brought down a pair and put it on before bed.   They are just as comfortable today as they were fifteen years ago when I tried on my first pair.  Has it been that long?   Dear me.  If I keep this pace up, these pants are going to outlast me.

The Big Boy Update:  Going in to lunch the other day there was a package of King Condoms (unopened) on the ground.  I pointed them out to my son, who in classic toddler fashion yelled out across the street for everyone to hear, "I don't want King Condoms!"

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Green is the new purple.  She has recently become obsessed with the color green.  Well, sort of.  She wants, "the green one", although what she wants may or may not actually be green.  Still, she is liking green a lot these days.

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