Friday, March 7, 2014

Two Days of Lost

My children are allowed iPad time from time to time.  There is a drawer we put the iPad in when it's not in use.  The drawer is a high one so that my children can't get to it.  Only they're children and they are resourceful, so recently they figured out how to stack stools and get the iPad.

My son got to the iPad a few times recently and I was pondering a new storage location and then, suddenly, the iPad wasn't where it was suppose to be.  It wasn't in the drawer, although my son told me that's where it was (he was incorrect).  He didn't remember putting it anywhere and he said he hadn't used it.  In short, it was lost.

My husband and I weren't thrilled.  We were decidedly unthrilled.  We looked everywhere.  We looked in places we thought there was no reason an iPad should be, but that a small child might have thought it was an interesting place to store an expensive electronic device nonetheless.  We asked both children where they might put an iPad in the hopes of some insight, but we got no useful information back.

We tried the, "find my iPad" feature, but either the iPad's battery was dead or something else had happened to it that was causing it not to report.  We fretted.  We searched.  We found nothing.

It had to be in the master suite somewhere, because that's where we let them use the iPad and that's where they liked to play on it.  I was trying to come to terms with a forever lost iPad when my husband showed up at the door holding the iPad with a wild grin on his face.  I screamed.

It was in our closet, right beside an area we had looked through several times, disguised under a small piece of blue material that deceptively didn't look like it was large enough to hide an iPad.  My son has no recollection of putting it there, but then again, the day we lost it he was ill.  

Lectures on proper iPad usage and management have been given.  I wonder if they listened?

The Big Boy Update:  My son was sitting on the potty for a long time this afternoon.  I went in and asked him if he was ready for me to wipe him.  He pretended he didn't hear me and kept playing with the toys he had brought in.  I told him when he was ready to call me because I had other things to do.  A few minutes later he came into the living room, bent over into the down dog position, putting his butt in the air and said rather loudly, "will somebody wipe me?"

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter was sitting on our bed, playing on the iPad while I got ready for our dinner out this evening.  I turned on the hair dryer and my daughter looked over to the bathroom, put the iPad down, got off the bed and shut the door to the bathroom.  She couldn't hear her stories. 

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