Sunday, March 16, 2014

Who Wants To Live Forever?

There's a haunting song by Queen titled, "Who Wants to Live Forever" that's been going through my head lately.  When I was a child, I wanted to live forever.   In fact, I planned on living forever.  Why would you want to do anything less? 

Then, time happens and your body gets older.  Things begin to break or break down and you've been around long enough to be able to extrapolate how you feel now and how you will most likely feel eventually and you start to weigh how long is really too long to live. 

I might be feeling differently about things today if the part of my spine in the middle of my back wasn't bothering me and if the area of my spine at my hips wasn't being aggravating and if my broken coccyx wasn't aching so much it was driving me to distraction.  Then, add this sickness on top of it all and the creaking and tiredness that happens every time I try to move up and down and around, and instead of almost being brought to tears, I'd be excited at the prospect of a long long life.

I gave in after several days and took something for the pain.  An hour later I remembered what it was like to not be in so much pain in so many areas.  I felt light-hearted and happy.  But narcotics aren't the solution, they have their own problems long term.  

What we need is something to de-sensitize our nerves and tell them we're okay.  There are plenty of nerve medications (I've been on a lot of them) but they don't do anything without side-effects.   My body isn't that much of a problem I don't think.  It's my nerves.  If they would just let up for a while, I think I wouldn't mind so much my limitations.

The Big Boy Update:  Still sick.  He's hanging in there with his fever.  It was another day of mild activity and on-and-off crankiness for my son.  Tomorrow we hope he'll feel better.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Wadiebug.  She has a ladybug pillow Aunt Kelly, Uncle Eric, Kyle and Nicole gave her for Christmas.  Her love for this pillow grows with each month.  Today she was carrying it around the house, hugging it and sitting it at the table with us for lunch.   Also, she calls it a, "wadiebug".

Fitness Update:  Congratulations to Uncle Jonathan who ran his second marathon today, shaving off a full hour on his time from our November run and coming in at 3:47!  My children and I were cheering him on as he approached the finish line.  We're so proud of him.

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