Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hot Now, Cold Tomorrow

Today was a great day.  It was sunny and for March 2nd, unseasonably warm at seventy degrees.  We spent a lot of the day outside.  My husband had several things he was doing, so I packed up the children and took them to a large park near us.  This park is fun because it has a big castle-like, wooden play structure with tunnels, slides and towers.  It looks like fun to me, and I'm an adult.

My mother joined us an hour after we arrived and at that point we decided to, "go on an adventure," as my son called it.  We went down to the pond and saw a turtle.  We were talking about the turtle when my son told us to be quiet because, "I'm singing a song to the turtle."   (By that time the turtle had swum off, but that didn't bother my son one bit.

We walked on the wooden pathway into the woods and then followed dirt paths between trees.  We passed a soccer field and my children were interested in how they played with the ball using only their head and feet--unless you're the goalie, but at that point explanations got more involved than I realized and I suggested we move along.

As we went down a paved part of the path, a woman in an orange jacket on an orange bicycle came pedaling around.  My son said, "could you please move out of the way?"  She and I laughed at his rude and yet polite question as she was moving out of the way anyway.  Then, we were all distracted by the fallen pine tree.

My children wanted to sit on the trunk and my son decided it was a race car (or was it a rocket ship?)  We headed out, picking small flowers out of the grass on the way to the water fountains (which were all our of service).

This afternoon we played outside and I brought down the water table for the occasion.  Water was everywhere, but it was warm outside so no one seemed to mind.   As it got dark, we all went in for dinner and a change into dry clothes.

Shortly before we came inside, I got a weather alert on my phone.   We were out in shorts and the warning was for a "winter advisory" for the next three days.   Apparently tomorrow night it's going to be down to seventeen degrees.

I'm missing spring already.

The Big Boy Update:  He got to the pancakes.  He loves pancakes.  It's his favorite food.  I didn't realize he knew where they were until I came upstairs to hear him holding a crinkling bag under the dining room table.  He had gotten a bag of frozen pancakes out of the freezer and was trying to figure out how to open it.  It's a good thing he doesn't know how to work the microwave yet.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She has been telling us her tummy hurts for two days now.  Today, she proved it with very messy pants three times.  Her fever has abated, but whatever this is is still working through her innards.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun. Although it is always nice on Aunt A's birthday!! Thanks for the Skype! The poster is fabulous as well as my necklace and braclette.
