Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Halloween Costume Selection

A Halloween costume catalog came in the mail yesterday.   This company makes quality costumes, and my daughter was excited to pick out one for this year.  

This involves a lot of describing costumes and doing so in a way that will help if I think my daughter might like the sound of a costume but will ultimately be disappointed by it when it arrives.  This year there is the added challenge that the costume must travel well, be comfortable for walking around for hours, and can't have a mask or wings. 

This is because she is going with her father to Disney over her track out while I stay here with our son, who is still in school.  My son is going on a ski trip later in the year that my daughter isn't going to, and they both understand their trips are separate special times for each of them.  

One of the days they will be at Disney, they're going to dress up for some of the time.  The requirement is that there be no masks or wings.  That ruled out a lot of the costumes, although some of the ones with wings would look just as nice without them.  

I described, and described, and then when she had narrowed things down, we went to the website, and all but one was sold out currently.  They might be back in stock before her trip, but she wanted to be sure.  She eventually picked a Raven costume which is all black, although there is a lot of adornment.  I hope she will be excited about it.  It is lovely, but it's all about perception. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter is very interested in color.  Even though she can't see it, the colors of a Halloween costume did make or break her interest in some of them.   I was surprised she picked the all-black Raven costume, given how much she was interested in their colors. 

The Big Boy Tires:  My son had to clean up some things today, and he was SO VERY TIRED, he told me. He just couldn't manage to take a thing or two here or there and start his laundry.   What he seemed to have boundless energy for though was playing video games.  

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