When my daughter got in the car I told her I was tired and instead of playing the audiobook she and I were listening to together, could we play the Alphabet Game we liked to play in the mornings? She's always asking to play this game so I didn't suspect she'd be opposed. I told her I was unusually tired and I thought talking would help me out.
She was more than willing to help, because this is my daughter we're talking about here. She loves to help. We played the game of trying to guess the secret letter where you get a helpful sticker with a power, have to fight a monster and can use the stickers you've accumulated or you get the secret letter.
She and I have evolved the game over time and aside for it having the one downfall of it being rigged to win, what with no one ever having lost a game, it's fairly fun. It involves a good bit of creativity on the part of the person who's picked the secret letter. We alternate being the guesser and being the person picking the secret letter.
She helped a lot and I was fine on the way home but I did lie down for a bit when I got there until dinner. After checking the prints to make sure nothing was failing and no printers needed tending to.
The Big Boy Update: My son sometimes runs late to get in the car in the morning. He brings his socks and shoes and for some reason he cannot remember to get them on before getting to school. We've reminded him again and again. Today, he had to get out of the car with his shoes in his hands to walk in.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: My daughter competes in the National Braille Challenge tomorrow. She's exited. And I'm excited to be there during the event. I hear I'm going to put braille letters on the cupcakes. A hundred of them! My daughter wants me to save a 'Q' for her.
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