Thursday, November 4, 2021

Drag Clicking

So, drag clicking is where you have a mouse and put your finger on it and angle and move it forward lightly pushing on the mouse button.  It's different for every mouse, but if you get it correct you will be able to obtain high CPS, a.k.a Clicks Per Second.

It's basically like your finger is hitting the mouse button, bouncing off, and hitting the mouse button again.  You can also put tapes on the mouse buttons to create more friction and more CPS.  Also, a thing with mice is called de-bounce time.   That's how many milliseconds it takes which is how long it takes for the mouse button to go down and come back up. 

The lowest I've seen (a.k.a. Greyson) is .2ms for the de-bounce time (lower is better).  My best mouse's lowest de-bounce time is 4ms and drag clicking isn't the only kind of clicking.  Also, the base de-bounce time is 10ms on most mice, including non-gaming and gaming mice.

Now the other kinds of clicking that I know of are 1) Normal clicking, 2) Butterfly Clicking, 3) Double Clicking, 4) Scroll Wheel Clicking, 5) Space Bar Clicking, 6) Bolt Clicking, and 7) Jitter Clicking.  

These clicking methods are important because in some games, the faster you click, the better.  For example, in Minecraft version 1.8.9 (or lower) the best way to do melee damage is to left-click on the enemy as fast as possible.   In shooter games, if you have a semi-auto gun, you can use it to shoot faster.  But these methods are usually used in Minecraft where you can use them for placing blocks faster to bridge.   

Now I'm going to tell you what Butterfly Clicking is.  Butterfly Clicking is where you put two fingers on one mouse button and clicking the mouse with one finger, letting go just before clicking with the other. 

Normal Clicking is just your basic clicking, which is not too good but really easy to do.  

Double Clicking can only work on a Bloody A60 or a Glorious Model O mouse.  You hit the edge of the mouse next to the scroll wheel, stay there for a quarter of a second, and then let go.  If done right, it should register a click when you hit it and when you release.

Scroll Wheel Clicking is kind of cheating.  When you use the scroll wheel it counts as a click.  

Space Bar Clicking is pretty new.  It's the same as Drag Clicking but on your space bar and only works for specific kinds of keyboards.  

Bolt Clicking is where you also do the same thing as Drag Clicking, but on any surface and put the mouse on the knuckle of the finger you drag click with and make sure to have your knuckle on the mouse button and then drag click and move the mouse so they're in the same place. 

Jitter Clicking is where you make your arm shake by tensing it and if you get the right angle when you're shaking it could be hitting the mouse button pretty fast.

I think this is cool because, well I play the game and it's useful to me, but I find it really cool and crazy how cool the methods sound, feel, work and how people could have come up with them. 

Here's a video demonstrating all the different clicking methods I listed:  Mouse Clicking Demonstration

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter jumps off the stairs onto the sofa.  All the time.   How the sofa is still alive is beyond me.

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