Friday, March 17, 2017

Song and Seat

The Big Boy, Tiny Girl Negotiating Operation:  We have some contentious things in our family of late.  Firstly there is the, “favorite seat” in the car.  I don’t know why there was a favorite seat at the bar eight months ago and now no one cares but there is a favorite seat in the car and that seat is worth battling over.

There have been yelling words and angered tones and unkind feet and mean hands that have dealt with this “problem” from the back seat.   So I told them the other day that no, tomorrow wasn’t one or the other child’s day for the favorite seat, I was going to decide, as I saw fit and they would have no control over it until they came up with a plan on who got to sit in the seat when.

This could be one child going to school and one child coming home, only they come home at different times on some days and what if we go out to dinner, I asked them.  Figure it out, I told them, and let me know.

So for two more days they had no solution.   My husband arbitrarily decided who got the favorite seat until this morning when suddenly, they had a solution.   The told us together that one of them would get the favorite seat and the one who did’t have the favorite seat for the day would get to choose the music (another privilege we take turns on).

This was an unexpected and clever solution to the favorite seat problem.   Only a day later I don’t even have to ask who’s turn it is, because they’re both letting me know in advance.

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