My daughter rode a bike for the first time today by herself. And by that, I mean she got on a bike with no training wheels that was steadied by my husband, she started pedaling and then he let her go once she got up to speed. She pedaled on level pavement for a while, then turned into our driveway, used the brakes by pedaling backwards to stop. At that point my husband had caught up with her because she didn't know how to dismount.
She did this three more times, showing us it wasn't a fluke. She was ready to ride a real bike. We had been preparing her. Still, I'm surprised at three-and-a-half, she can do so all by herself.
We started both children out with balance bikes. They learned to push their bodies forward with their feet and when they get up to speed, they naturally lift up their feet and balance. Balance bikes are very low to the ground and the child feels they have lots of control.
The other advantage my daughter has was her tricycle. We had friends of my parents give us one and my daughter dearly loved it. She wore out the front wheel so I had to order a new one. The thing about the tricycle is you have to pedal it. My daughter pedaled the tricycle until her knees were close to hitting the handlebars.
So the combination of balance bike and tricycle pedaling made it almost a non-event to move over to a bicycle. We got both my son and daughter used bicycles at the bicycle shop and he's interested in his too, only he's not got the pedaling thing down yet.
I am very proud of my daughter.
The Big Boy Update: I had gotten some outdoor toys for my children to play with when it got warm. When my son saw the plastic bow and arrow with the suction cup tips he immediately called out, "I want the weapon, mom!"
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: As mentioned above, my daughter rode a bike for the first time today. She fell once and scraped her ankle a bit. And by that, I mean I got nervous and tried to help her stop before she was ready and we tumbled together. I told her I would help her with a bandaid, but could she please ride the bike back to the house? She stopped crying, got up and got right back on the bike and rode it all the way into the driveway. Then, she told me she wanted a, "monkey bandaid."
Fitness Update: Six miles this morning running. One mile walking with the dog this afternoon. The dog was tired. I need to do more walking with her.
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