Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why Eggs and Peanuts Don't Look Good Anymore

Have you ever liked something and then because of a specific event or thing, you don't like that thing any more?  Is that something tequila?  It seems like tequila is one of the most common things like that.  You have just too much tequila one night and for years afterwards, the smell is just too much to bear.

I like eggs.  I like peanuts and peanut butter too, but my son has had issues with them for some time.  They make him itchy.  He has a reaction that will require Benadryl at the time he's consumed the item and then hydro-cortisone over the next few days as the reaction converts into eczema.  

So, while I like both eggs and peanuts, they just don't look that good to me right now because I hate to see my son so distressed by these two foods.

The Big Boy Update:  In the car yesterday he said, unprompted, "I don't love rainbows.  I love cars and trucks and dump trucks and Bob the Builder."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She sat still.  I saw Pearl, her teacher braid her hair today.  It took several minutes and she sat very still and let her do it without moving or turning her head.  If I can get a simple bow in without her wiggling left and right seven times, I've done well.

Fitness Update:  Thirty minutes on the elliptical to warm up my shins and then five miles in the park.  It's hot.  I'm tired.

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