Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Who is Your Personal Serial Killer?

Wow, that sounds ominous doesn't it?  Serial killers for a blog post title from this lady that likes to talk about her kids doing forward rolls and pooping on the floor.  But it's a valid question I think.

It's largely an age-related thing.  Every so often, there's a serial killer that comes to light, is captured and is the focus of media attention for a period of time.  We're all horrified (well, the vast majority of us are I hope) with his or her deeds and yet we find ourselves intrigued on some level at the same time.

I asked my neighbor, because I wondered if her answer would be the same as mine, Jeffery Dahmer.  I wondered, because she and I are the same age.  And yes, we both clearly remembered the media spectacular when we were twenty-two years old and the utter dismay we felt as the details of his murders came to light. 

On a recent run we talked about other serial killers.  We knew names, and yet we didn't know that many details.  We mentioned Ted Bundy, and we knew he was a charismatic guy that did things to women.  Did he rape and then kill a few?  We didn't really know.  But we remembered very specific details about the Dahmer case because we lived it as it came to light.

That night, I looked up Ted Bundy and read some of the wikipedia entry about him.  I was astounded.  This guy did more terrible, horrible things to women than I had ever had any idea about.  But because it was at a time I was too young to be watching television (especially that kind of news television) I had no idea.

It's been a while since a seriously sensational serial killer has come to light.  Well, that or I haven't been paying attention in a while.  Hopefully that trend will continue.

The Big Boy Update:  Integrating this and that and this other thing over there and mommy, I need more string because I need to "hook" these other things to the mass of things I've already connected in some way or another and then, you see, my plan is to drag them all over the house. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  I don't want to go to school.  Okay, that's not exactly the case.  She wants to play on the playground we have to walk through to get to the door to her classroom.  I almost had to drag her to class this morning because she wanted to go play over there instead of going to class and going to play on the playground behind her classroom.  So focused, these children.

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