Friday, August 30, 2013

Some Days You Just Don't Feel It

Today my neighbor and I were suppose to do a long run.  Well, we were going to wedge in as much of a long run as we could manage.  I'm out of town starting this afternoon so we would miss our weekend long run.  We're wimps, neither of us wants to do a long run alone.  But what we are willing to do is get up balls early to get in a run in the dark, in the boring neighborhood, because the monotony is gone when you're running with your Chatty Kathy buddy.

We decided--okay, I decided--that I didn't want to start at 4:45am.  We settled on 5:00am and planned to run until just after seven o'clock, when I would need to be back to get the children ready for school.  I got up at four o'clock and drank the Vespa endurance running booster and then tried to sleep until 4:45am but mostly failed. 

We met at 5:00am and after about ten minutes I think I said, "I just don't really want to be running today."  My neighbor agreed she was feeling the same way.  We weren't specifically tired or winded, we just weren't feeling it for some reason. 

We ran on and strangely, out of character for us, we talked about going to the fitness room instead.  But we never got around to it.  And we kept running.  We kept running until ten miles and then we decided we could fit in one more mile before we both had to be back, so we made eleven miles--all on a day neither of us wanted to run. 

Running is fun for us.  And it normally is.  I'm not sure why we just weren't in the running mood today.  Our next long run is coming up on either Monday (if we come home early) or next weekend.  We'll be able to run in the light then and go to the park which will be nice. 

The Big Boy Update:  Uncle Jonathan was putting my son to bed two nights ago while I was at a Yoga class.  Apparently my son wasn't happy that daddy and mommy weren't there.  He looked up at Uncle Jonathan and told him, "I want my grown ups!"

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Superman.  She's been saying "Superman" for a while now.  My son has some superman and other super hero shirts, but my daughter has none.  While helping me with the laundry the other day she said, "Superman!" and pulled out one of his shirts.  The one she pulled out was Batman, but hey, it was close enough.  I asked her if she wanted to be Superman and she nodded, so I put the shirt on her.  She was very happy wearing it around for the rest of the day.

Fitness Update:  Eleven miles, two hours of slow running (because all we do is run slowly) in the dark or mostly dark hours of the morning.

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