Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Compost Lob

We haven't been composting.  I know, we should have been, but there have been challenges.  Well, that's not exactly true, there has been a single, small furry challenge: our dog. 

So while we can compost, putting anything out that can be reached by our dog, smelled by our dog and in general stalked by our dog will be a big nuisance.  We have a natural area down the hill and we can throw all manner of food refuse and ort in the downhill direction of our lot and beyond.  We know that nature will naturally take care of the decomposition of the discards and we'll be saving that amount of usage in the sewage system or dump.  But we have to use it with caution and consideration.

What we can do is discard into our back yard anything that a dog wouldn't find desirable for consumption, such as banana peels and broccoli stalks.  And we have been doing that to some degree for a while now. 

Since we've moved into this house, I've been doing what I call the "compost lob" off our deck when possible.  Molded tomato?  Over the deck and down the hill.  Grapes that went sour?  How far can I throw them?  Orange peels or watermelon rinds?  You get the picture.  But not everything works well for throwing because it just doesn't have the heft to make it to the natural area.

So why, exactly didn't it occur to me to get a little compost pail and put it by the sink for things like cilantro stalks and strawberry tops?  I do not know.  But slow as I might be on my good days, I eventually get there.  Now we have a pail and it's been collecting biodegradable food and plant matter for me for two weeks now.  When it's full, I walk down the hill and dump it into the high weeds and bushes, knowing that little bit of fertilizer will most likely make that annoying weed grow more rampantly.  But, it won't be in the landfill, so I suppose it's a win overall.

The Big Boy Update:  28.6 Pounds.  We haven't weighed them in a while.  I had no idea how much he weighs.  He is almost 32 months old.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  22.2 Pounds.  She is almost 21 months old and working hard on catching up to him in both height and weight.

Someone Once Said:  It does not require a broad education to function as a social and economic animal... as long as you know when to rub blue mud in your bellybutton. But a mistake in local customs can get you lynched.


  1. The other day they were watching Mickey Mouse on my tablet and he pushed her out of the way so he could have his face right in front of it. Surprisingly, she whined but kind of lightly pushed back. It's the first time I've seen her be at all aggressive with him. Can't wait til she out grows him and beats him up all the time.

  2. Congrats on the compost bin. We use ours everyday. Grayson weighs the same as Happi!
