Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shoulder in Shambles?

On Monday we had a sitter come to help with the children.  She took our minivan and I used her personal car so I could get my own errands run.  When I got into her car I used my right arm to push back her passenger seat that had been pushed forwards in her coupe.  When I did so, a terrible pain and unfriendly pop happened in my shoulder.

This was not a normal movement I did, and to make sure it wasn't something that only happened once, I tried it again, it happened again and it hurt.  Okay, now I'm getting scared.  My arm socket is hurting and I'm afraid I've just town my rotator cuff and much of the exercising I do currently will be impossible in the future.

I got a bit depressed as the ache and inflamed feeling got worse through the day, even with a goodly dose of anti-inflammatory.  I was scared.  I called my neighbor who tore her rotator cuff one day doing something simple.  She had told me, "I know exactly when it tore."  I talked to my husband, who tried to calm me down like I did to him after he had his arm come out of the socket a while back.

I couldn't do much without pain and I knew from how it behaved in different movement directions that I could most definitely not do most of the exercises we do at the gym with our trainer.  So I stopped using my arms for several days and I hoped.  I fervently hoped it was a fluke or something that wouldn't be an issue.

Surprisingly, in less than two days it was mostly better.  It was so painful and achy feeling that I was sure I had injured it.  It seems almost like it never happened now, six days later.  I have a suspicion that yes, there is something wrong with the rotator cuff because I did a lot of range of motion tests and there's a click in one direction I remember being there for many many years.  Perhaps I just hit is in the right spot doing a motion I don't normally do. 

Or it could be something else.  I am a knave and a neophyte in this field.  I'm just glad it's better. 

The Big Boy Update:  "Un huh."  I didn't know he said, "un huh" until the other day.  He was distracted and I was asking him questions and he wanted to answer in the affirmative so he said, "un huh" instead of "yes".

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Yogurt stand tunnel.  While at a frozen yogurt store the other evening, my daughter spent time climbing through the large opening in the bottom half of the large, colorful, plastic chairs.  Our friends made a chain of six and she had fun crawling her tiny little body through the tunnel.

Fitness Update:  First long run in a good while.  Shin splints, hardly noticeable.  My neighbor's broken toe, barely bothersome.  We ran twelve miles.  And we need to do a lot more running.  Those weeks off have taken their toll on my stamina.  The marathon is not that far off in early November.

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