Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Naked Hill

From before I can remember there was a large shopping mall near where I lived.  It wasn't built until after I was born, but my memory never included a time when it wasn't there.  We live in an area that has rolling hills and the spot this mall was built on was at the base of a valley with a creek running near.

Just above and behind the mall there is a large group of hills.  There is one in particular that seems to lord over all the surrounding hills, the valley below as well as the meandering creek. 

On the very to of that hill was a residence of an old family from the area, but by the time I was old enough to go to the mall (and remember it) I don't believe anyone lived there.  Several restaurants tried to make it in the converted house; they were each high-end, high-cost, elegant affairs that somehow never made it.  Perhaps it was because people didn't associate the heavily-wooded hill with fine dining.

But something has happened now.  The entire mound is being developed and to start, they're removing all ground covering, including trees.  I have heard there is a significant amount of site work they'll be doing on the land, meaning they're reshaping the topography, and as such weren't able to keep the trees.

But what's going there?  It's pretty exciting looking.  It's strangely different looking though.  Right now, it looks like a naked hill.  A naked red hill as we're all red mud underground in the south.

The Big Boy Update:  Antsy at mealtimes.  His sister sits quietly and eats her meals most of the time.  He has trouble sitting still and he sometimes can't manage to eat his meal because he would like to be taken out to run around with an adult while the others at the table finish eating.  I don't know if this is a behavior we started that we'll have to break.  Today at lunch I did take him out, but his only choice was to sit on a stool at the bar with me until everyone else was done.  Now, he's hungry and wants a snack because he didn't eat well.  He is getting no snack.  We'll see how this battle turns out in the future.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Dolly.  She has a very large plush doll her Nana gave her.  Nana named her, "Dolly" and my daughter is very fond of here.  By large, I mean over twice as tall as my daughter, although very floppy and easy to tote around.  And tote it around she does.  She also likes to sleep with it, even though it takes up over half her bed. 

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