Thursday, January 31, 2013

Important Phone Apps

And by that I mean other than the phone app.  Without the phone app, it's no phone.  And I don't mean the browser.  Without a browser it's a much less-useful phone because without many of the other apps, you can still use the browser to find the same information.  So what apps are the closest to my heart?  Which apps are the ones I love having and would be sad, no, a little bit depressed, if they ceased to exist?

I've gone back and forth on my list of "must have apps" over time.  For instance, one of the apps I would be lost without is Endomondo.  That name doesn't tell you much about what the app is, does it?  It's a fitness tracker and I've been using it since close to the start of my recent exercise craze of  running.  It tracks my current run, including integrating with my heart-rate monitor to give me distance, route information, total calories burned, steps taken, and other things that are exercise-specific.  This app also tracks my history and lets me know I've burned a total of 164 burgers and have gone a total of 960 miles.  It lets me know what my friends are doing and it keeps me motivated because I like statistics and it keeps exercising fun.

Another app that has just recently become a favorite is the Starbucks app.  I wasn't a coffee drinker this time last year, but I've grown to like coffee.  Perhaps that's inaccurate.  I love coffee, when done right.  I like the fancy lattes and coffee options at Starbucks and they have a nice little app that lets me figure out just want I want to order and how many calories will be in my drink of choice.  And then, it lets me pay with my phone so I don't ever have to get money out.  Oh, and there are free drinks and rewards if you drink a lot of their coffee.  And free apps.  Oh, and free song downloads each week.  Considering how expensive a cup of their coffee is, free is good.  But, honestly, I love it for the pay by bar code option mostly.

IMDB.  I think that app is important enough to be its own sentence.  Who is that on the current episode of blah-de-blah?  I know I've seen that maid in the movie Amadeus in something else, but I just can't place her.  Oh!  She's one of the main characters from Sex In The City.  I would have never figured that out.  IMDB is the nagging actor question answer machine, and I love it.

An infrequently used, but very useful app is our home security remote control app.  Someone is coming over and you don't want to give them the alarm code?  Just unlock the house remotely and when they pick up the envelope sitting on the counter and leave five minutes later, you can remotely re-arm the house.

I have lots of apps I like, like Sputnik! that tells me when upcoming Iridium Flares are happening given my current location.  Iridium flares are reflections of sunlight off satellites or the International Space Station that appear suddenly in the sky.  And that's just neat information to have and great to spot in the sky.

If I were to read this post a year from now, I wonder what my main, key, go-to apps will be then?  Will they have changed?  Will some be the same?  What new amazing, can't live without apps will I have installed by then?

The Big Boy Update:  Turning around in his high-chair.  We don't know why he does this, but he likes to turn his torso to the right while he's eating.  Not only does he turn right, he puts his right arm and elbow behind him.  Is it his chair?  No, we've switched chairs.  Does he want to look at his sister who is usually on his right?  We don't think so, because when his chair has been moved so he can watch television, he looks at the screen and still does it.  If we figure it out, I'll let you know.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Sink sitter.  We went to a gathering at school today to say goodbye to a retiring staff member.  We heard a story from both of my daughter's teachers about how she used the stool to not only get to the sink, but to turn around and sit in it. 

Fitness Update:  Six miles with Uncle Jonathan.  We had a nice run in some chilly weather and talked about lots of fun and funny stuff.  We'll hopefully get a chance to run more together soon.  Maybe I can convince him to keep some running clothes over here in a drawer?

Someone Once Said:  Underneath the persona each shows the world lies a human being different from the masque.

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