Thursday, January 10, 2013

Still Sick Grumbles

Remember that post about how delightfully strong my immune system was?  Remember how I got sick just after posting that thread?  Consider me annoyed at my current cold/flu/flold situation.  I am still sick, and as of this morning, I am more sick.

I had a luncheon on the 19th of December and I remember my ears were clogged then and I had difficulty hearing.  Now, three weeks later, I still can't hear well and my Eustachian tubes are still blocked.  I have that hacky cough and my nose is, well, yucky.

Then, this morning at 5:30AM I woke up to full-body aches; the kind you have when you have a high fever.  What the hell?  Shouldn't I be getting better by now?  Didn't I pay my cold dues for the season?  NyQuil administered and I went back to bed, asking my husband if he could take the children to school.  After that, I called my mother and asked if she could help when they got home.

I then proceeded to not sleep due to being highly uncomfortable all over and yet not being able to do anything other than lie in bed.  Thanks mom and thanks to my husband for all the baby duty they've been doing today.

My neighbor texted me about a run this afternoon.  I texted back about my downturn and then she got all doctory on me.  She called and said she was concerned because it sounded like with the abscess surgery/staff infection and the prolonged cold that I may well have contracted the flu.  Ugh.  She was concerned because their nanny had just been hospitalized because this flu is apparently very virulent, nasty, and all things mean to your body.

She called in a prescription for Tamiflu for me and apologized for going all bossy doctor on me.  I didn't tell her I had tears in my eyes in gratitude for her butting in and offering to help.  I did tell her though that I appreciated her help and she should never apologize for trying to make sure I was getting help if I needed it.  She is the best.

I'm writing this post and then getting back in bed and trying to put a hermetic seal around my room so I don't get anyone else infected.  If it's the flu.  We don't know.  But I'm going to take all the medication.  She said it should give me some relief.

The Big Boy Update:  Mickey Mouse.  He can say it correctly now.  No more, "minna maus."  He never stops talking too.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Walking out at school.  The children walk out from their classrooms to the waiting area to be picked up after school.  For the first two months she was mostly carried out.  It's not that she didn't or couldn't walk, I think she was a bit too slow and would sit down to roll in the dirt.  She's been walking out regularly since the start of the new year.

Right-size Countdown:  This is an old section title but I'm bringing it back because the fever today is having me drop weight like I'm throwing anchors overboard.  Good news, my kidneys are working well.  But I'm having to keep pushing fluids so I don't wither away.

Someone Once Said:  The mind’s ability to rationalize its own shortcomings is unlimited. I am no exception.

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