Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scar Removal Service

Our bodies do something amazing.  They heal themselves.  We can help our bodies with medication, surgical intervention and rest, but we can't actually perform healing.  That's something our bodies have to do all on their own.

We don't regenerate though.  We don't replace damaged items with duplicates of the original.  If a bone is broken, new bone grows to repair the break, but that area of bone will never be like the original was.  Experts can look at archaeological finds of bone and tell if there was a break across the millennium.  Cut your skin and it will repair itself, but there will be a scar to remind you forevermore.

As we grow older and survive more bodily insults, the scars mount up.  Some people seem to like scars, while other people would do (or pay) to have them removed if that were an option.  There are ways to reduce the appearance of scars, but I've never heard of a true scar removal service.  Wouldn't that be amazing?  If only I was smart enough to invent such a thing.

If someone does discover how we can get our bodies to repair themselves without scars, I'm seeing if I can get an appointment.  With the most recent surgical intervention in my fundament region, I would love to find a way to circumvent the scars I'm going to be stuck with for the rest of my life.

The Big Boy Update:  Talking about son has one on his shoulder.  That or it's just a large bit of acne.  We have been able to get the content out several times, and he doesn't like it one bit.  I don't blame him.  If it doesn't clear up in another day I think we're going to take him in to the doctor.  I spoke with the doctor on call today and she confirmed we were doing the right thing by popping it and putting antibiotic ointment on it, and I hope it will clear up shortly.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: 
So angry.  She really does not like to be told no.  Whether it's the ice machine or the beverage refrigerator at the bar in the basement we stop her from playing in because she's going to freeze her hands, or just saying no to anything else, she can put up quite a tantrum.  Sometimes, this means it's time for a nap.  But not always.  Sometimes, she just wants what she wants.

Someone Once Said:  Must be a yearning deep in human heart to stop other people from doing as they please. Rules, laws – always for the other fellow. A murky part of us, something we had before we came down out of the tree, and failed to shuck when we stood up. Because not one of those people said: “Please pass this so that I won’t be able to do something I know I should stop." Nyet, tovarishcee, was always something they hated to see neighbors doing. Stop them “for their own good” – not because speaker claimed to be harmed by it.

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