Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mental Rehearsing

I hate when I have something on my mind that prevents me from having the night's sleep I'd like to have.  Say, for instance, I have a meeting in the morning and I have to report at that meeting.  I might spend time as I go to sleep thinking about what I'm going to say.  And while that's fine, it's not necessary to rehearse all blasted night.

I roll over a lot.  Well, I roll over a lot when I don't have large, open wounds on my backside, but as they're healing nicely, let's presume that I do roll over and change position regularly as I sleep.  I have never considered myself a light sleeper, but my husband sure does.  He says no matter how quietly he creeps in, I say hello to him.  Honest, I don't even think I'm awake because I don't remember doing this, but he says I do it and so I must be waking up on some level.

So it's night and I'm asleep and I'm going in and out of those different sleep cycles.  At some points I get back into that mental rehearsal phase and I start to think about how I'm going to pitch the three-sided baseball idea I have for reinvigorating interest in the MLB and bam, I'm much more awake.  And I'm annoyed.

I've already figured out what I'm going to say.  Clearly, the idea of a three-sided baseball is genius.  It's a dead easy sell and I've my got my pitch down.  So why do I keep waking myself up to think it through another twelve times, thus robbing myself of the excellent night of sleep I'll be needing prior to the early morning meeting?

I do not know.  It must be some level of anxiety or just not knowing the outcome of said rehearsal situation.  It's not unlike wanting to not miss the alarm for an early flight and every time you roll over waking up just enough to check the clock to make sure you've not overslept.  Annoying.  Blast it.

The Big Boy Update:  Makamuck.  This is his word for a motorcycle.  He has a book with pictures of vehicles and he gets most of the words correct.  My husband says he's combining the words "bicycle" and "motorcycle" into something that sounds just like "makamuck" when he says this though.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Bounce Happy.  We've been to two birthday parties this weekend and they both had bounce houses.  At almost fourteen months, I wasn't expecting to get anything other than tears from her when I put her in them, but no, all smiles.  Giddy, very happy, thrilled smiles.  She then likes to slide down, face first, the exit/entrance ramp and then go again.  Not one tear, even though she was bounced down by the older kids again and again.

Fitness Update:  Close to seven miles this morning.  If I can hold on until spring, I think I can keep my ability to run distances without losing too much stamina.  I'd like to have the time to do a long run again sometime soon.

Someone Once Said:  The thing to do with a silly remark is to fail to hear it.

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