Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Back to Back

This might sound like a small thing, but it's big to me.  I can sleep on my back again.  It's been almost a month since I could lie on my back without so much discomfort or pain that I had to roll to my side.  This would be due to the three abscesses that developed, were lanced and then surgically removed.  I mention this in case you forgot.  Had I posted pictures, I assure you, you would not have forgotten.  But as I don't want to drop my follower-base from three to zero, better judgement prevailed on the picture posting front.

But back to my back.  It might not sound like a big thing, being able to lie on your back, but it is my main mode of sleeping.  I used to sleep on my stomach, and I still try to sleep on my stomach, but with the cervical spinal fusions I've had and the reduction in movement points in my spine by two in comparison to those non-fused sleepers out there, I just don't have the rotational mobility in my neck to afford me the ability to sleep on my stomach with any level of comfort.

So, I like to go to sleep on my back.  I may spend most of the night on my back.  I'm asleep, so I'm not sure, but I think I'm on my back more than any other position.  I like both sides too, but they're just position changers until I rotate back to my back for the bulk of the night's sleep.  Recently, using a C-shaped neck pillow positioned around the surgical sites, I was able to sleep for short bits on my back, but it wasn't that comfortable so it never lasted for that long.  Now, if I lie carefully and just so, I can go to sleep on my back, so hip hip hooray, disco, bossa nova, waltz and other dance moves all around to celebrate.

How is the healing going, you ask?  Now that you mention it, it's going very well.  The packing phase is complete, meaning the wounds have filled in well with muscular and adipose tissues.  I was dressing the wounds until yesterday, due to drainage, but as that has also ceased, I'm done with gauze and tape for good.  It does look like I'm on the road to some lovely scars though.  Did I mention this ruined any possible chance I'd become a butt model some day?  Did I further mention I never had a chance at being a butt model in the first place but it's helpful in coping with the situation to have something to mourn about?

The Big Boy Update:  My good little sleeper.  Even with the transition to the toddler bed, he's an excellent sleeper.  I didn't fully appreciate his willingness to not only get in his toddler bed, but stay there and go straight to sleep until we "toddled" his sister's bed.  I am very proud of him because of his great sleep habits.  He will even let you know if he needs a nap.  This morning, I asked him if he needed a nap.  At first he didn't want to go to sleep, then he told me, "nap" and when I carried him upstairs (with his head on my shoulder and arms tucked in towards his chest, classic nap-readiness signs) he went straight to sleep. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Spankings.  Yes, I spanked her last night.  Three times.  Not hard, but enough to get my message across.  We wanted to go to a New Year's Eve party.  She didn't want to go to sleep.  The toddler beds were calling to her and telling her she needed to explore the room, irritate her brother and keep him from sleeping too.  I had to put the rocking chair (her current obsession) and the laundry basket in the closet.  I sat for twenty minutes blocking the exit from the toddler bed and having her pretend to be asleep and, "accidentally stick her legs, butt and general body in the exit area as though it were purely by chance and I had no idea I was trying to get out, Momma, honest."  She was waking her brother up.  She was not sleeping.  I was annoyed.  After three rounds of mild spankings that were warning whaps, she went to sleep and they were excellent little sleepers for the rest of the night.

Fitness Update:  I so need my sleep.  New Year's Eve and I was out well past my nine-o'clock bedtime (after two-o'clock, ugh) so I cancelled my run with my neighbor because sleep was much more attractive to me than exercise.  I even asked daddy if he could take the morning shift so I could sleep.  I really love to sleep.  Note to self: write a blog post about the importance of sleep in your life.

Someone Once Said:  Censorship is never logical but, like cancer, it is dangerous to ignore it when it shows up.

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