Thursday, January 24, 2013


I've been going to the eye doctor fairly regularly for some time now.  Every time they have you read the letters on the eye chart to see what your vision is.  The more often I go, the more difficult this task becomes, not because I can't read the letters, it's just that I know what they are without having to read them.

I want to give the best answer, and by that I mean an answer that is truthful if I can see and read the letter, and if I can't I don't want to give the answer just because I know what letter comes next.  It's not the kind of test you want to cheat on.

The line I remember more than anything is the CHSDN line.  I think it's at about the 20/60 vision level and it's not that hard to read, but I try to make sure I don't just reel the letters off.  During different points either before or after surgery when my vision has been stabilizing, I've said to the technician, "I know that line is CHSDN, but if I didn't know that, I wouldn't know if the H was an N or and H and that C looks rather like an O."

Apparently they have patients that just read the lines because they know the letters, regardless of if they can discern them or not. 

The Big Boy Update:  Reading before bedtime.  We've been transitioning to life with toddler beds and getting two children to go to sleep without incident over the past several weeks.  One thing that has helped has been reading books to my son after his sister has gone up to bed first.  He delights in picking out far too many books to read and having daddy read them to him.  It also helps to slow down his mind before heading up to go to sleep.  So far, we're having good success at night with this new plan.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Still congested.  Her brother has gotten over his runny nose, but hers persists.  She has the Niagra Falls action going currently.  We might need to invest in bulk quantities of tissue soon if this keeps up.

Someone Once Said:  I hold to the Higher Truth that it is better to be kind than to be frank.

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