Saturday, January 19, 2013

So Past My Bedtime

I used to stay up late.  I hated going to bed because it meant the day was over.  Now, with two children that can be very tiring, I look forward to bedtime; that time after the house is quiet and the children are asleep. 

I don't always go straight to sleep.  I spend time reading or doing email or playing a game on my iPad.  Good grief, I love the iPad.  But that aside, I find myself thinking regularly, "It's so past my bedtime."

And most recently, with this lingering cold, I've been going to sleep the minute my parental duties are over for the night.  Speaking of, I need to cut this short, I hear a commotion upstairs that can only be my son getting in trouble, again, with daddy, while I take a break to write this post.

The Big Boy Update:  Pusher.  He pushes his sister.  Sometimes to get around her, sometimes because she's frustrating him.   But he does it fairly regularly.  When we see it happening, he gets put in time out.  Today, after one of these time outs, where it was clear what he was put there for (he said "no pushing",)  he went back and harassed her by chest butting her around.  I hope she gets big enough to fight back soon.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Ice.  She loves the ice from the ice machine.  She will open the door (the machine is under the cabinet) and play with the ice and eat the ice.  She played with three pieces putting them in and out of a bowl and eating them in turn for a half-hour earlier today.  She's got three back teeth coming in, the cold may soothe her.

Someone Once Said:  No storyteller has ever been able to dream up anything as fantastically unlikely as what really does happen in this mad universe.

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