Monday, December 31, 2012

Little Girl Cute and Little Boy Brute

My daughter is adorable.  She is walking well, but she still has that cute little toddle that goes with her stride.  She's trying to walk more quickly, so she falls flat on her face a lot, gets right up, and keeps going.  She smiles a lot, she likes to engage your attention, hand you things and then take them back.  She has some words and accents those words with lots of additional babbles.  She is a little girl cute.

Her brother, on the other hand, while also being cute, is a little boy brute.  He is bigger, he is stronger, he is more experienced and he is mentally aware that he wants to experience everything, and yet can't experience it all.  In short, he's a two-year-old.

It's a reasonable and understandable phase where children get frustrated because they want to do, have, reach or experience more than they can or are allowed to.  One easy way to work this frustration out is to push your sister over.  Or at least that's how it's being played out in our house. 

He also wants attention.  Giving him attention, even negative attention, just because he did something rude to his sister, is in part, a win for him.  Reacting to his sister every time a small or slight insult occurs only gives her the incentive to cry or complain more.  So we have some challenges to rise to.

He's not a bad kid.  Children are born selfish and must be taught to share, to be kind and to be gentle.  I must say though, just like his Aunt Brenda, I am looking forward to the day his sister gets tired of his shenanigans and hauls off and hits  him in the face.  I will try not to laugh.

The Big Boy Update:  Asleep at the meal again.  He didn't get around to napping and after eating the breaded pizza for dinner he couldn't manage to stay awake while the rest of us finished eating.  I reclined the chair so he could nap for a bit.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Asleep in and out of bed.  For her morning nap, she settled down and was quiet after wandering around the room for a while.  My husband went up to check on her to find her asleep between the rocking chair and the dresser.  For her afternoon nap, I put her in the room and went to get the carpet cleaner to get a few spots treated in their room.  I came back just moments later to find her asleep in her toddler bed, with her blanket, without her pacifier.  She slept for several hours.  Also, night three of the toddler bed with the rail opening switched to the opposite orientation and she didn't fall out in the middle of the night.  This toddler bed thing just might work after all...

Fitness Update:  Only 2.5 miles this morning for several reasons, but we got out in twenty-seven degree weather and ran, so I count that as a win.  On the weight maintenance front, today marks forty-five weeks since I started to lose weight and then subsequently maintain weight earlier this year.  At today's weigh-in, I'm still maintaining, and some days, just maintaining feels like an effort when there are delicious holiday meals and desserts and treats all around you.

Someone Once Said:  He had discovered that long human words rarely changed their meanings but short words were slippery, changing without pattern. Or so he seemed to grok. Short human words were like trying to lift water with a knife.

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