We all talk to certain things in our life in a different voice than other things. Maybe you have a special, encouraging voice you use towards your plants when watering the garden. Maybe it's a high-pitched tone you use when calling the dogs to dinner. Maybe it's the, "oochie coochie coo" voice you use when you talk to a baby. But be sure, it's not a voice you'd use when talking to a police officer or your mother or the bank teller.
Different voices seem to serve a purpose. The stern, "NO!" voice stops my son from pulling out the crystal bowl from the cabinet I didn't know he could open and the upper-register voice I use for my dog seems quicker and requires less syllables and no one is ever confused that I'm calling them over to lick up whatever food my son dropped on the floor this time.
I realized today that I have a special "Potty Voice." The potty is exciting (or so we're trying to convince the babies) so it should have a happy, melodic voice to go with it, right? It's certainly working with my daughter, who has decided that potty time is fun time and continues to make regular productions and deposits.
My son, not so much. He's excited about the potty but I don't think it has a thing to do with my voice though. It's happy run around naked, say "no no no" and pick another book time for him. I'll keep on with the sing-song voice and hope he gets the message sooner or later.
The Big Boy Update: Why is there brown on your sock? This morning when he was standing up in his crib I noticed there was some brown markings on his sock. What in the world...OH NO! Yes, he had an itch down the back of his diaper and he had made a "yucky" and then he had to clean his hand on something. "Daddy, I need your help NOW." The person least upset about the dirty bed, clothes, and baby was, of course, the baby himself.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Hungry day. She was so hungry yesterday. She ate a full bottle for breakfast and then, for the first time ever, had solids to top her off. For lunch, she ate three solids, a new record for her. This morning she's a bit cranky still. I may try more food to see if that helps. In possibly related news, she is looking bigger every day.
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