Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's Potty Time

This is going to be one of those bodily functions posts.  If it's not for you—although I promise I'll tread lightly—move along to the end to find out what the children have been doing today.

So yes, potty.  We have one.  And we're introducing the babies to it.  The toddler is fascinated with it and is interested in taking the removable—let's call it the "catcher"—component out, then putting it back in and then trying to stand in it.  I can see we're in for some fun adventures in the months to come.

The seven-month-old is sitting up and she's pretty much excited to interact with you when you're right in front of her.  She doesn't seem to care that she's on the "potty" as long as you're there giving her toys to waggle around while you talk to her.

My son is very interested that he gets to be without diapers for a period of time.  He's particularly interested that he's got his own little seat he can sit naked on while looking at books.  So far, he likes to try out several books and re-sit on the potty each time.   From experience, having him run around naked at all makes me nervous, but potty time is going to have to happen sooner or later.  He's interested now, and I'm interested in not changing diapers forever, so we're both fairly motivated.

We have a winner though.  The seven-month-old has amazed me twice today.  Perhaps it's the free air flowing and the missing diaper and the nice little seat with the toys and mamma talking to her, but she saved a wet diaper cycle twice.    Tomorrow she may be livid and hate the potty, but today was a good day.

The Big Boy Update: Repeater.  He'll try to repeat any word you say to him.  He doesn't have the syllables yet to pronounce things, but he'll make a wild guess that may, or may not, be remotely close.  Sometimes he does a good job like, "Elmo."   From the amount of Elmo-ing happening in this house, I'm surprised Elmo isn't chanted most of the day.  He likes to show you how to do things too.  He will come get your finger and then try to bring your finger to the thing he wants to show you.  Sometimes your finger has to get up off the couch, go around the corner and then be shown how it's meant to do something. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Mmm, mmm, good.  Or maybe good.  It's hard to tell.  When she eats solids and she's hungry she makes this whining, mmm-ing sound the entire time.  She loves her solids.  She prefers them during the day to milk.  You can try to feed her milk and she'll do these crazy tongue routines to keep the bottle away and give you every indication she's not  hungry.  But bring on the solid foods and she'll eat two full packages.  Solids are great for stuffing her just before we go out to dinner.  She's sure to be asleep for a good portion of the meal.

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