Monday, June 18, 2012

Calling in Reinforcements

Packing isn't that difficult.  I can pack for myself and the children fairly easily.  If I have the chance to pack.  Two babies take up a lot of the minutes in an hour.  I was thinking yesterday afternoon that if I only had two hours with my husband, uninterrupted, we could get all the packing knocked out easily.

It's packing not only of the bags and things, but it's getting it all in the vehicle in the best order, which can mean waiting to pack lots of things until some of the final things aren't needed, which can be just before you leave.  So we need the high chair to feed the children, but we need to pack the high chair at the bottom-half of the stack.

We want to get underway as soon as we get the children ready for bed, say eight or nine o'clock, but how can we maximize our time today for packing if we're chasing children?  So I called Dusty. 

She's coming over for two hours this morning.  She's going to whisk the children away upstairs while my husband and I get as much done as we can during the time.  I have a feeling we'll get just about everything done because we can focus and don't have distractions.

The Big Boy Update:  Still loves his shoes.  He likes his socks, he likes putting shoes on.  Other people's shoes.  Girls shoes.  Pink girls shoes.  At the pool, I sometimes think he's more interested in shoes than the pool.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Milk or food?  She likes her milk in the morning.  But she loves solids.  Sometimes she doesn't even eat milk for the middle of the day meals because she's gotten so full from solids.  And I never have a problem stuffing her full of food versus milk.  She's starting to eat the little puffs that she has to move around in her mouth and figure out how to swallow.  She likes to grab at the puffs, get a whole handful of them and wave her hands around while you put more of them in her mouth.

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