Thursday, June 7, 2012

Out of Town

I'm going on a trip tomorrow morning.  I'm going on our annual, "girls weekend" where the only man there is my father, who's house we're staying at in the mountains.  Not that it matters, my parents leave us alone and we try not to bother them.  They have been very kind to offer their mountain house as a weekend retreat for us for three years now.

Girls weekend is always fun because the ladies that go are good friends and they always bring good conversation.  The last two years I've been pregnant and haven't been able to drink.  That's not been a bad thing as the ladies get pretty funny when they've been drinking.  This year their designated driver to, "Take us to get more wine!" may not be eligible.  At any rate, it's bound to be a good weekend.

For my 5K training we've got a run around the neighborhood that's going to be challenging.  My parents live in the mountains.  I fear I'm going to wish I was back in Florida running through the flat neighborhood there.  Ashton, my running partner, just completed an 8K the other day and I know she's going to be kicking my butt, ahem, pushing me, to run harder.  I dislike hills but they make you a better runner.

So just in case I get lady-distracted, I'm pre-posting tomorrow's post.  If I get industrious, I may even write some saved posts for the next two days.  You can tell I'm hoping it's going to be a blow-out weekend, right?

The Big Boy Update:  No strep or ear infection.  We took him to the doctor after his fever wasn't staying down between Tylenol doses.  He's not got anything they can tell or easily test for, so we're going to wait it out.  Good news on his eczema though.  First, she gave us a different hydro-cortisone cream that might work more effectively on some of the problem spots.  She also said we shouldn't be concerned about giving him Benadryl to go to sleep.  She said scratching the eczema can make it worse.  It's a cycle we shouldn't be worried about using medication to help solve.  So we've got a different cream for his body and a special cream that's much stronger for his hands, which are terrible.  I feel much better knowing we're doing the right thing to help ease his discomfort.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Sitting up?!??  I put her on the floor on her stomach in the bedroom and my husband and I went to see what the excavator was doing on the porch.  We came back and she was sitting up.  I looked at him and said, "Did you sir her up?"  He said he didn't and I knew I didn't so we put her on her stomach again and watched her.  She is trying to move forward (I think) and gets her leg pulled up under her and then, the next thing you know, she's sitting up.  It's interesting to see how children learn and do things entirely differently.

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