I borrowed my husband's bike yesterday to go to the drugstore and get a prescription. He has a new bike that's nice and rides very smoothly. I wanted to try out biking some before considering getting a bike for myself. Right now I'm doing running, walking and a smattering of swimming and aerobics (thanks to my sister-in-law for introducing me to Zumba.)
Before I rode off, my husband made me wear his helmet. As I got out on the main street from our neighborhood, I was very glad he did. Cars go by, zoom. All was going well for about a mile. That's when I realized the way to the drug store was a long way up a fairly steep hill.
My car has never complained about the hill or the general uphill-ness in the direction of the drug store, so I hadn't really thought about it before. When I was pedaling and puffing in the lowest gear and I couldn't see the end of the hill around the curve I gained a whole new perspective on the steepness of the road and I was glad I'd never decided to run in this direction.
I made it to the store, stood in line in my little safety helmet and got the prescription and then made it home in a flash because downhill is so much faster than uphill.
But about my arm. Remember that little fall I had while running a few weeks ago? I knew I'd strained my elbow in some way because it caught the brunt of my weight when I went down, but I didn't think it was really hurt. That little elbow "owie" has turned into the bitten tongue of injuries since then.
It's like when you bite your tongue and it bleeds and swells and swearing ensues. Just about the time you forget about it you go and eat something chewy and whammo, chomp, it's bleeding again and you're swearing once more. That's how this elbow has been.
Stumbling in flip flops carrying a tiny baby required me to catch myself with the bad arm. Trying to stand up while holding a kicking baby intent on not being picked up and I had to stabilize myself with the bad arm again. At this rate, it's going to take longer than anticipated to heal.
That was the only bad thing about the bike ride; my elbow complained all the way up the big hill. The upside is that two ibuprofen fix the problem completely for a few hours so I'm confident it's nothing serious.
The Big Boy Update: Playground fun alone. We met a good friend for lunch at Chick Fil A who brought her five-year-old son, Gavin, with her. My son loved playing in the playground with Gavin. We left him largely unsupervised because Gavin, at five, was very good at playing with him and we knew if anything happened, we'd be told immediately. I'd look over and he'd be on the second level in the slide about to slide down or he was driving the little race car or he was just rolling around on the floor laughing and playing with Gavin. It was fun seeing him interact with other children and having fun without needing an adult.
The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Feeding the dog for the first time. She is not only feeding herself at each meal now, she's discovered the furry dog is interested in what she's grasping so tightly. She doesn't quite get that she can hand it to the dog yet and the dog knows better than to snatch it out of her hand, but eventually she drops it or gets it close enough to the dog for it to look like an invitation and it gets eagerly eaten. This strikes my daughter as hilarious and it was so cute I intentionally gave her extra cookies so she could experience interacting with the dog. Bad mama, I know. But so cute.
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