Saturday, June 9, 2012

Immediate Media

Every year when I was a child, my mother would let me know The Wizard of Oz was coming on TV the following week.  I would get excited because it was only once a year I got to see The Wizard of Oz. 

As I got a little older, we had friends who has HBO.  They played movies, and they played them again and again the whole month.  You could see a particular movie over and over without waiting a whole year.  That was neat.

Then we got VCRs and video rental stores appeared.  You could go and get The Wizard of Oz if you wanted and you could watch it that very night.  That was posh.
Next came DVD players and the craze of low-priced movies for purchase.  Our collection of movies grew and we could go to the cabinet and get The Wizard of Oz and watch it without leaving our home.  That was slick.
The other day I was trying to decide what to put on T.V. for my child.  I realized I had the DVD of the show in the closet, but I would have to go all the way to the closet, open the case, turn on the DVD player and put in the DVD.  I just couldn't be bothered.  Dealing with physical media is so last century.

So I pulled up Netflix to see if was available there.  Much easier to just push some buttons on the remote versus handling real media.   Are we becoming "Immediate Media" snobs?  I admit, if there's something I want to watch and I can't just search and stream it, even if I know I have it but would have to go watch it on the TV instead of streaming it on the iPad, I might just pick something else because it's easier. 

The Big Boy Update: buh buh buh, da da da, la la la.  While we were eating the other night he got done early and started talking loudly at all of us.  We started making repeated single sounds like, "ba ba ba" and he would repeat them back (or try to for hard sounds.)  He's getting better at sounds and keeps trying to make new ones.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Puffs.  After she sat up twice in twenty minutes on Thursday, I decided she was ready for food.  She can eat foods with lumps in them easily enough such as peach yogurt, but she really hasn't had any time on things she has to move and swallow that didn't get delivered on a spoon.  There are these little "puffs" that are mostly air and taste great.  She sat in the Bumbo seat and ate them for close to thirty minutes.  She drooled so much she was wetting her diaper from the outside.

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