Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When is Too Soon To Let Something Go?

When is it too soon to clean out and get rid of things?  I've been thinking a lot about this lately because I have a good friend who's daughter is due with a daughter in two months who could use many of our baby items.  It would help her out with the financial burden and it would be a good home for baby clothes and baby items we're not going to be using any more.

Part of me doesn't want to let some of the items go.  I went through everything we've put in the "retired" area for my son two months ago.  Lots of things we won't ever use again, and some of them I know she could use, so I sent them along.  While doing that, I kept out some of the most memorable, or special items of clothing to keep as a reminder of his first year.

But his clothes weren't really suitable for a girl, especially a girl who's mother wants to have a pink and purple baby shower and pink stroller, car seat, crib, bassinet, you get the picture.  So, I've been saving all the clothing my daughter has grown out of to pass on.

But it's hard to pass off all the adorable things she wore, even if she's not four months old.  I know it's the right thing to do.  They'll go to a good home that has a need, now, for these items.  But for some reason it's harder to pass them on now, as opposed to a few years from now.

I can't explain it.  But there is a box of three months of baby cloths ready to go the next time I see her.  Hopefully I'll get to see a few pictures of her baby in them in the months to come.

I do know that I'll love having a "hand-me-down" home for my daughter's clothes in the future.  There is nothing I love more than a good cleaning out.  But I need to balance cleaning up and out with keeping things that help us remember our past—things that were important or special to us. 

I hope I'll have a good balance of keeping and passing on things as the children grow up.

The Big Boy Update:  While some of his body is getting better with the eczema, he still has a terrible time with his wrists, forearms and under his chin.  He gets food all over these areas and anything acidic of that might cause any kind of reaction, makes him try and scratch his skin off.  I feel for the little guy and have to put anti-itch medicine on him sometimes even during meals.  Since the other areas of his body have gotten better, I hope these areas clear up soon too.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Bored bored bored.  I'm bored.  I'm laughing because you're funny looking, didn't you know?  Speaking of, aren't I cute?   (I think these are the things that go through her mind.  Maybe I'm just projecting though.)

Right-size countdown:  15.8 pounds to go ...ish.

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