Friday, February 24, 2012

Say Hello to Goo

We're preparing for a big party tonight, so this is going to be short and brief.  We have Sirius satellite radio in both our cars.  It seems that the newest car truncates the names of songs.  It's sort of a fun game to try and guess what the name of the song is before you get to the point in the song when they sing the title words.

The first one was a new Pink song.  We'd never heard it and the car was new so we didn't know about the truncation yet.  We knew Pink had some interesting lyrics, but we were all doubled over in laughter because the song was apparently called "Glitter in the A." 

Since then, many songs have been truncated at strange places, making the song sound like it's about an entirely different topic than the one the artist was really singing about.  Yesterday I heard a new song, titled, "Say Hello to Goo."  Science experiment gone wrong with Ectoplasm perhaps?

The Big Boy Update:  His play pen has been removed in preparation for the party and I'm discovering all kinds of things he likes to do with his toys and in the greater room that I wouldn't get to see as much.  There are eight other children at the party tonight; I have a feeling he's going to have a great time.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She turned over for the first time this morning.  She was lying in her crib awake and ten minutes later she was on her stomach.  She can also do a 180 degree rotation in the middle of the night, which we've yet to see during the day.  And she likes "tummy time" so much that she napped that way earlier.  She doesn't have control of the turning over just yet, but she's made it once without any help.

Right-size Countdown:  16  pounds to go

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