Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Internet—Taking the Fun Out Of Speculation

You're out to dinner, some topic comes up, say the Black Plague or the nutritional value of wheat grass or the standard length of a spoon.  Prior to smart devices, we'd all talk about the topic, make guesses, debate it over, postulate theories, etc.  Today, someone pulls out a web-enabled device and finds the answer. 

In some ways, this is a good thing.  I feel like the Internet makes me more knowledgeable.  It helps satisfy my curiosity, and it can even fuel discussions instead of ending them.  But does it have it's downside too?

Are we less prone to do experiments and find out answers for ourselves?  De we rely on the Internet to remember things for us, instead of making a point of remembering ourselves?  And do we consider every fact on the internet to be true fact, or someone's opinion of fact? 

I wouldn't give up my smart devices because I use them so much.  I can't imagine my day without them.  But is there a counter balancing price we pay for the convenience of knowledge?  I don't have the answer.

What I do know is that I try not to look up things when I'm writing a post here.  Because of that my posts may be inaccurate, incomplete or have ideas that have already been thoroughly hashed out by scores of people you can find with a simple Google search.  That's because I'm not writing about someone else's ideas, I'm writing about my own.

The Big Boy Update: He wants to go down stairs now.  He knows how to crawl up them easily, but going down is another story.  He can slide down them backwards, and if you hold his hands he'll even step down them.  He also wants to climb up stairs standing up like adults do, and he'll gladly go up a flight that way if you'll hold his hands.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: She likes people.  I like to pass her around when I have a chance and let other people hold her.  This morning at the Chiropractor's office she got lots of love from the ladies behind the counter while I was in the back.  My son isn't people shy yet, I hope she'll be the same from introducing her to lots of people. 

Right-sizing counter:  18.0 pounds to go

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