Wednesday, February 8, 2012

There's Nothing Like A (blah blah blah)

Are there things in your life that just make you feel relaxed, or contented, knowing they're done?  Some examples might be: "there's nothing like an empty laundry basket" or "there's nothing like clean sheets on the bed" or "there's nothing like an empty inbox."  The little pleasures.

Or maybe it's the little relaxers.  Things that nag at you, but aren't so pressing that they're weighing you down.  I think my life is filled with these little things; things that make my mind be more at ease when they're done. 

Tonight it was "there's nothing like a restocked refrigerator."  We have an old refrigerator in the garage and we keep all kinds of overage items in it.  Over time, we need to restock.  The garage isn't far away, but it's usually a large enough list that I make some notes on a scrap piece of paper and then do a lot of little runs from the garage to the main refrigerator depositing items.  It's a little thing, but looking in at the well-stocked refrigerator when I'm done just gives me a sense of satisfaction. 

I'm that way with a lot of things at the end of the day.  My mother always made me "police the area" before going to bed.  I was responsible for putting everything up and setting the house "to rights" before I could go to my room at night.   It was so annoying when I was growing up.  Now, it's the thing that relaxes me the most at the end of the day; knowing that I'll wake up and not have yesterday's work to catch up on before I start the new day. 

The Big Boy Update: He is becoming more outgoing every day.  At Kindermusik today he ran around the room and interacted with children.  This is the room he stood mute in for months while he absorbed the people, environment and activity.  Even one of the other moms (with a quiet child) commented today.  I told her he was introverted until he knew the environment and I'm sure her son, Emmanuel, would open up in short order too.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She's getting bigger.  I'm having fun putting her into the three month baby clothes now.  It's like shopping when you get to go into the closet and pick out adorable items from the baby shower.  Today she got to wear three outfits.  Three because two were spit up on.  The third she's had on most of the day.  It's flower bell bottoms and it's all kinds of cute. 

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