Saturday, February 11, 2012

I May Have Found My Mind

For a while after having my second child, I thought I'd lost my mind.  Not literally, of course, it's still lodged inside my skull.  But I wasn't sure which end was up some days and I felt like the whole "normalcy" of my life had been disrupted.

A had gotten accustomed to not having my day to myself with my first child, but there were bits of my day that I could call my own--like when he was napping or asleep for the night.  Then I had child number two. 

You learn quickly after having a child that it's not all about you anymore.  If you were a selfish person; wait, that sounds bad--if you cherished your day being something you controlled and filled with things you wanted to do or accomplish, then having a baby will quickly change your expectations.   It seems that babies regularly, no constantly, rearrange your schedule to fit their needs.  They pay you back in cuteness and love.  It's all worth it, but it takes some getting used to.

So, foolishly, you think two babies could be twice the cute and twice the fun.  Nine months later you realize you have no time at all and you're constantly running just to keep up so that you can go to bed exhausted.   For the first several weeks I have to admit I was somewhat resentful that I didn't have a little time to myself.  

But I've adjusted.  I love it and I even think I've found my mind at this point.  Someday, perhaps when they're in college, I'll have some time back.  Until then, I'll enjoy being a parent and being tired.

The Big Boy Update:  Today was the first day he went to Mimi and Gramps' house as a crawling/walking baby.  The last time he was there he just sat in the car seat.  Mimi has been collecting baby toys (entanglement devices) for just such an occasion.  He had fun hiding behind the counter in the kitchen to be "found" and sitting on Mimi's lap and banging on the piano keys.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Baby Bumbo.   She has a Bumbo seat, and despite some recent bad press, we love it.  She's wanting to sit up more now and she'll be happy for long periods sitting up in the Bumbo seat.  She's safely on the carpeted floor and she's right in front of me, so she's safe as kittens.  She's very cute flexing and curling her toes alternately as she looks around and bobbles both her head and her torso.

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