Saturday, February 25, 2012


I don't fancy myself a sesquipedalian, but I do like words.  I like learning new words and I even have a "Good Words" document I add words to from time to time.  I like authors who write with an expansive vocabulary.  It's like finding little word treasures while you read.

But I don't consider that I've really learned a word unless I can use it in speech, where appropriate.  I could have a panoply of words I know, but if I can't use it, it doesn't count.  Some words can be hard to use because an opportunity doesn't often present.  For instance, unless I were to do a lot of outdoorsy activities, I don't think I'd get a chance to comment on, "the danger of that talus slope."  And try as I might, it's just not often I get to use abattoir in conversation.

And yet I find I am ineluctably drawn to learning and then using new words.  I was able to use several of my favorite words in this little post, including, sesquipedalian, which describes a person who likes to use long words. 

The Big Boy Update:  He's a little commentator.  He really wants to talk, but he's much better at physical things than verbal things.  His baby sign language is great because he picks up the signs quickly.  He also knows a lot of words because it's clear he understands us.  But he's trying to talk.  He will babble at the TV or at people and it is just the cutest thing.  In some ways, I'm going to miss it when he can really communicate.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She is far more verbal than he was at her age.  She coos at you as you talk to her, and she understands the back and forth of communication because she responds after you say something to her.

Right-size countdown:  16 pounds to go (whew, I didn't blow it at the party)

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