Friday, February 17, 2012

Moms Don't Need Alarm Clocks

I remember being very young and waking up very early, running into my parents room to tell them about something so exciting (to me) and not understanding why they weren't awake.  It was morning!  As I was older, I'd watch hours of cartoons on Saturday before they even got out of bed.

With one baby, you have a chance that you'll be able to sleep in if your spouse will take care of the baby's needs for another hour.  With two, you never get to sleep late again.  Babies don't take weekends off from diaper changes and feedings. 

By now, I don't even need to set an alarm to wake up so that I'll beat the morning cry of, "where is the food" or "my diaper is dirty" in the language of baby crying.  Some days, I even wake up enough in advance that I can even wash myself and get breakfast before the changing, feeding and "play with me" day starts. 

Still, some of the best mornings are when one of our parents is visiting and insists on doing the morning shift.  There is never any argument from my husband or me when someone else wants to get up early.

The Big Boy Update:  Tricking him with food.  We introduce new foods to him all the time.  Today was avocado.  He immediately mushed it up and had no interest.  Then, my husband decided to put salad dressing (which he loves) on the avocado and reintroduce it to him later in the meal.  It worked and he liked it.  Sometimes changing the size (smaller or larger bites) or the presentation of a food item will help get him like something new.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  3-6 Months.  That's the new label I'm looking for on clothes from her baby shower gifts.  She's getting too big for the three-month clothes.  This morning I did a round of clothing retiring and brought lots of new cute items downstairs.  She's still a bit too small for many of the items, but after one wash and another week of growing she'll fit in them just fine.

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