Sunday, February 26, 2012

That Actually

I actually think that there are certain words that we use that are sheer filler.  They don't enhance what you're saying, aside from adding extra words.  For example, does the first sentence of this post read any differently if it were to say, "I think there are certain words we use that are sheer filler."

"That" gets thrown in a lot as a connector.  We need the word "that," we just don't need it as often as we use it.  "Actually" seems to be commonly used to add more validity or importance to what the person is saying.   From my experience, confident people use the word "actually" less than less-confident people.

Mind you, this is only my personal impressions on the use of these words, not anything I've read online or know to be a hard and fast grammar rule.  I try to avoid using extraneous "thats" in my writing.  I don't think I do a good job of policing myself when using "actually" in my speech though.

I think I'm going to see if I can catch myself using "actually" over the next several days and see if I use it more than I think I do.  Sometimes, when you monitor your own behavior, you find out you do things you had no idea you do.

The Big Boy Update:  Making Friends.  He had the best time running amok with all the children at the surprise party.  He is drawn to other children, as I hear most kids are.  He also likes his sister—a little less delicately than she can take.  He likes to bring her a pacifier or a blanket, as these are things he loves.  He gently patted her head this morning several times and after we told him what a good boy he was for being gentle, I think he misunderstood and thought he should do it more, only harder.  It was hard to tell him, "no" when he was smiling so big while making friends.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: Back to one hole.  She's been having some irritability during and after eating lately. She's got gas, and she gets gas drops, but I was wondering if she was also sucking in too much air.  Last night I did a test and swapped out her two-hole bottle nipple with a one-hole one for her bedtime meal.  She ate it with no dribbling and didn't burp any air and went straight to sleep.  We may put her back on the slower-flow (and longer feeding time) nipples for a bit if it will make her more comfortable at and between meals.

Right-size Countdown:  16.3 pounds to go (Darn my husband's Chicken Ginger Pow dinner that was so good.)

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