Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Vegetable Soup that Wasn't

My mother has been making a vegetable soup during the winter for as long as I can remember.   This soup is responsible for me learning how to use (and have a healthy respect for) a pressure cooker.  It's lots of fun to make with someone, and it feeds you for days. 

Only, it's not vegetable soup.  Yes, it has loads of vegetables in it, but when I hear "vegetable soup" I don't expect it to really be "vegetable soup with a lot of meat."  So, it's always been mis-named, but it's still what my family calls it.

Yesterday my mother and I made this "vegetable soup," and I've had it for four meals since.  My son thinks it's great, so I suppose I'll keep him.   Since we made it ourselves, I have no idea how many calories there are in it, but considering it's all I ate yesterday and I didn't lose any weight, I'm guessing it's not low-cal. 

The seasoning is very simple, but always reminds me of someone who was dear to me many years ago.  Aside from salt and pepper, the only thing else is a healthy portion of herbs de provence.  When I was very young at Christmas one year my parents got this crock of some seasoning.  It was huge.  It was more seasoning that I could imagine ever using. 

The person who gave it to us always had the knack of knowing what you needed, even if you didn't.  She died when I was in college, and I often think of her fondly, especially when I'm making soup.  Since the soup wouldn't be the same without the herbs de provence, I tracked down the same company and same large 5oz. crock and have my own now so I can make our mis-named vegetable soup for years to come.

The Big Boy Update:  Bath day again.  His skin seems to be handling the baths every two days well.  I scrubbed him again tonight and he doesn't seem to be trying as desperately to scratch himself as he was a few days ago.  I really hope his baby eczema is on the way out.  The areas where it seems his body is over it are all nice and baby-smooth now. 

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  First day in the jump seat.  She wants to stand up and sit up and look around so much lately we pulled out the jumping seat that you hook onto a door frame.  She really liked it.  She's too small and can't balance well in it, but leaning off to the side didn't seem to dampen her fun of being upright and in more control of her movement. 

Right-sizing counter:  20.3 pounds to go (darn, ate too much soup yesterday)

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