Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Been a Week

... since we started our diets.  How have we done?  Not badly.  We've both lost over four pounds, which isn't because we were crash dieting, it's that first week of water weight loss that makes you think the rest of the diet is going to be so very easy.  I have a feeling we have a long way to lose the twenty pounds we've set as our goals.

It's so much easier doing something difficult when you have someone to do it with.  I was trying to eat responsibly before last week, but I just didn't have the motivation I do now that I know we've gotten serious and we're doing this together.  It's nice having someone who knows you're hungry and can understand when you want to whine.  It's also nice to not have someone eating cheesecake and donuts around while you're working hard to control your appetite.

We both had our ups and downs this week.   One thing that's helped is we don't have much food in the house that's tempting.  However, when you're hungry, it's amazing how the most boring food item can sound delicious.

One nice change that happens is when you eliminate something from your diet, say sweets or alcohol, after a bit you stop craving it and get to the point where you don't even want it.  I thought I was going to have a hard time with both sweets and alcohol this past week, but so far so good.

The Big Boy Update:  When he was much younger, he started arching his back in the bed and leaning left and right.  I was worried he was really uncomfortable.  We'd hear him doing this in the middle of the night where he'd flop back after arching and moving his hands.  It was about a month later he accomplished rolling over via this method and we discovered he was practicing and working hard instead of being uncomfortable.  Since that time, he mostly sleeps on his stomach with his butt in the air.  I mention this because his sister is now rolling over, only entirely differently.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles: She addressed the problem of rolling over in a more scientific manner.  A fulcrum will help lift or rotate something more easily.  She discovered if she lifts both legs up and leans them together to one side, he whole body rolls over to that side.  She's now half-way to her stomach and she can lean into the rest of the turn.  She learned how to get on her stomach pretty quickly in only a few days, but she doesn't know how to get back to her back.  Last night I got a little concerned because she wants to go to sleep on her side and later rolls to her stomach.  Will she be okay on her stomach all night?  The general thought from doctors is to put them to sleep on their backs and when they can roll over, let them do so on their own.    She rolled over more than once last night and we found her this morning happily asleep on her stomach, so she doesn't seem too unhappy.

Right-size countdown:  15.8 pounds to go

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