Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Here's the Carrot for K

This is embarrassing.  But it's funny, so I'm going to tell it.  It's important to be able to laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously.  It helps you get through life with less stress.

Last night I was cleaning up the mess my son made from the day's toy carnage.  My mother was sitting with him as he played with these small stuffed items that each represent an item in the alphabet.  He's a bit too young for the toy, but he likes to put things into things.  This toy has one item for each letter of the alphabet (Banana for B, Train for T, etc.) and a sewn pouch for each letter. 

Usually he pulls them all out, tries to fit as many as possible into his mouth and then walks around holding as many as he can in his hands.  Twenty-six letter-pillows all over the place.  My mother was collecting them to zip them back up into the main container.  I said to her, "Are you just putting random letters in pouches?  Don't you know your alphabet?" 

Mom laughed and then, being the good sport that she is, began to put them in the right slots.  I looked under my leg and found the carrot pillow.  I said to her, "Here's the Carrot for K."  She said, "Carrot for what?  Who doesn't know their alphabet now!"

The Big Boy Update: Ahwoowoo.  He seems to be saying "ooo" to lots of things lately.  He talk to himself a lot, and seems to be communicating with objects and having a general conversation with himself.  Ahwoowoo is one of his favorite exclamations, explanations and general conversation starters.

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  She's been arching her back a lot and rocking back and forth.  With my son, I thought he might be uncomfortable, but it was him trying to turn over.  She's definitely interested in turning herself over.  But from experience, I know it's not the position she's looking to change, but the ability to change the position.  She doesn't so much want to be on her stomach as she wants to be able to get to her stomach. 

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