Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Throat Rock and Roll

I have an anterior plate in my cervical spine (that means the front of your body) and some rods in the posterior area of my cervical spine (otherwise known as the back).  Lately, and this is new, I've had troubles swallowing pills and having them go down.

I can swallow food, and I've never really had any issues swallowing pills, but something recently has been giving me grief.   Let's say it's morning and it's time for the vitamin and fish oil pills.  I take these on days I remember, but I don't always take them because, well, I don't like feeling that I *need* these supplements.   Still, they are on the whole helpful, so many mornings I take them.

One morning not that long ago I could have sworn there was a pill stuck in my throat.  I thought, "this is a phantom feeling, it's not there" remembering words someone told me once and feeling that surely, there was really no place for a pill to get stuck in something so channeled as a throat.  

About ten minutes later, when the feeling hadn't subsided, I started tasting fish oil.   Ah, it was the fish oil pill tat was stuck and it was most definitely stuck if the pill casing had dissolved and now I was tasting the oil itself.   Still, it was strange.

I ultimately came up with something completely new to help the pill go down, which was taking my throat in the front of my neck with one hand and moving it aggressively back and forth in an effort to dislodge the pill.   It worked immediately with the sensation of a stuck pill going away after I swallowed one more time.

I've had to do that several times since and I'm not sure what is causing pills to be stuck there (food has no problem going down).   When I would get the sensation of a stuck pill, I would swallow large gulps of water to try and dislodge it to no avail.

At any rate, strange though it might be, I have an easy solution.

The Big Boy Update:  Soda is called, "ticklie water" to my children.  They had some of, "Olivia's ticklie water" the other day (Sprite) and after the meal the cups went into their car seat cup holders.   We went to a park and when we came back some time later, my son drank some of the now-flat Sprite.  He said, "hey, this isn't ticklie any more."

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter wanted for dessert at the buffet the other day:  a green bowl, A green gummy bear, a green jelly bean and a green gummy worm.   I think she likes green.

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