Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Lost and Found Ring

I lost my wedding ring today.   Rather, I lost the engagement ring; I don't wear the two wedding bands that surround it except for special occasions.   In retrospect, I think I would have preferred to just have the one ring instead of the three, but we didn't know that at the time.

I am careful with my ring.  I take it off and put it on my vanity at night or when I'm doing things like cleaning.  Lately, because the children have taken to washing their hands at my vanity, I've started putting it in the top drawer.  This is because my children will pick up anything and turn it into a toy...leaving it wherever they think it might need to go.

I did something unusual today.   I made banana ice cream with the children.   That part wasn't unusual (although I'd never made banana ice cream before—it was delicious), but taking off my ring in the kitchen while cooking was.   Later, after cleaning everything up, I realized I didn't see my ring.   It was right...er...where did I put it?  

I know, I should have been more careful.   I always am.   I knew I would have never put it some place unsafe.  But...did I put it on the vanity in the bathroom and did a child wash their hands, say my daughter, and get interested in the ring?

My husband said that yes, she did wash her hands and we both fretted.  My daughter isn't the most reliable witness and her memory at two-and-a-half isn't that accurate, but we drilled her none-the-less.  She told us all the places the ring was, such as, "right here" (indicating a spot on the carpet).   She said it was in the sink, in the toilet, behind the bed, in the trash can and many other places that made our panic rise.

My father called about this point and asked if it was a good time; I didn't know where the ring was so I asked how could I help him and then spent some time on the computer working on something for him while trying not to panic over a ring that my be in a strange spot we wouldn't find for six years when we just happened to look behind something random and there it was.

After more questioning of my daughter to no avail, my husband and I started looking in the wildest of places.  Then, I looked in the powder room and it was sitting right there on the counter, right where it would have been had it been the master bathroom.   I don't remember going in there to take it off.  When I do something out of my general routine, I usually make a special note of it.  Was I distracted because the faucet was running and was hurrying?  I don't know.  

My daughter didn't seem overly upset about our endless questions, but we apologized to her none the less.   Ring on, I went on about my work for the day, but for the next hour, I was still in searching mode.  Every room I went into I would visually search for places the ring might be, and then I'd remember it was back on my finger.

The Big Boy Update:  My son wasn't feeling well today.  We gave him some medicine so he could sleep, (he kept asking to go to sleep,) and when he woke up he was no happier.   He was angry at everything.   I had lunch ready for him but he didn't want to hear about it and told me not to talk to him.   He was telling me all the things he didn't want as he headed to the table.  As he was walking downstairs to the dining room he said, "I don't want these stairs to be on the stairs!"  

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  My daughter was putting on her shoes this morning so we could go to the grocery store.  (She loves to go to the grocery store.)  She looked up and said to me, "my shoes are on the cracked feet!"   Cracked?   Oh, "correct",  we've been working getting the shoes on the proper feet because children just don't care if they're on the wrong feet, even if it looks dreadfully uncomfortable to the adults.

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