Monday, April 7, 2014

The Voice

This isn't about that show, it's about my voice and how it's gone missing.  I talk a lot and my voice has always been supportive of my need to blab on about all sorts of things all the time.  Only it must have gotten tired and wanted a vacation at the end of last week. 

I went out for a long run in the morning and then after lunch, suddenly and with no explanation, my voice started to fade, get squeaky and peter out all together.   It got to be a game, trying to speak in different registers, seeing what would produce sound and what would result in laughable silence. Sneezing was particularly funny because although I'm a normally loud sneezer, instead there would be a squeaking noise instead.

I've only lost my voice three times in my life I believe.  I remember the first time because I was a cheerleader in high school and part of that job is to cheer--loudly.  It's hard to do that when nothing but silence comes out of your mouth.  I remember being interested by how little sound I could make.  I had a "boom box" that was white and ultra cool.  (This was during the time that you just had to have a boom box in the eighties.)  I remember sitting in front of it and trying to talk into the microphone while recording my squeaks.  

As far as today goes, my voice is on the way back.

The Big Boy Update:  "I want Reese to go into the forest." (Otherwise known as, "I want my sister to go away and leave me alone.")

The Tiny Girl Chronicles:  Kazoo.  My neighbors gave the children a kazoo.  My son, at three, got it immediately and proceeded to do a rendition of the happy birthday song.  My daughter was confounded by the kazoo until the next morning when suddenly she got it.  She was so happy running around making noise

Fitness Update:  I saw my trainer today for the first time in close to six weeks.  It was great to see him and get back to the gym (which they completely rearranged while I was gone).

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